129 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States
How have people answered the perennial question of what to serve for dinner? What kitchen technologies have promised to make their work easier? Join us at OPRF Museum on Tuesday, December 7 at 7 pm for a conversation between local cookbook author Emily Paster and OPRF Museum board member Fran Knechel on how our community’s answer to the question “what’s for dinner” has changed throughout the decades and how that answer reflects important societal changes. Emily will have copies of her cookbooks available for sale and signing at the event.
Yes, this event is scheduled to be held IN PERSON at OPRF Museum. Tickets for this program are included with the price of admission-- $5 for Oak Park/River Forest residents, $7 for nonresidents, and free for members. Space is limited, so you must register in advance. Please reserve your seat by contacting us on our website, emailing oprfhistorymatters@sbcglobal.net, or calling 708-848-6755. All events are subject to change based on current public health guidelines.