129 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States
Join us for a program by Paula Fenza as she discusses "Communities of the Dead: the Social Organization of Cemeteries."
Communities of the living are made up of people who occupy identifiable stations, occupations, and roles in life. People take pride in who they are and what roles they play in the community; the same is true of cemeteries, a type of community in which people retain roles and statuses they occupied in life. So what do tombstones say about residents of communities of the dead? This presentation will discuss different styles of tombstones and burial traditions found in cemeteries, with many examples from our local Forest Home Cemetery.
Regular museum admission rates will apply.
Paula Fenza is not only a local researcher but also an actress who often appears in character on our annual Tale of the Tombstones tour in Forest Home Cemetery. Join us at the cemetery for that tour on Sunday, October 15. Tickets available in our online store.