Oak Park River Forest Museum has a new way for you to experience our collection and exhibits during this time of distancing. Join us "Inside OPRF Museum" on Thursday, March 18 at 11 a.m. (CST).
In this program on the third Thursday of every month, Historical Society members and staff share fascinating artifacts or stories from the museum’s collection. This month, we are celebrating Women's History Month by highlighting stories about two famous local female activists. Historical Society Board President Peggy Tuck Sinko will discuss a community group pioneered in the 1960s by Oak Park activist Elsie Jacobsen. And Marge Massarello from the League of Women Voters of Oak Park and River Forest will highlight a historic marker commemorating renowned local suffragist Grace Wilbur Trout.
Watch this month's program below, and view past episodes of "Inside OPRF Museum" on our YouTube channel.