Oak Park River Forest Museum has a new way for you to experience our collection and exhibits during this time of distancing. Join us "Inside OPRF Museum" on Thursday, April 15 at 11 a.m. (CST).
In this program on the third Thursday of every month, Historical Society members and staff share fascinating artifacts or stories from the museum’s collection. This month, with two recent TV specials featuring stories related to our area, our theme is "Oak Park and PBS." Pamela Lyons, volunteer at OPRF Museum and the Hemingway Birthplace Museum, will share some stories of Ernest's grandfather Anson Hemingway. And Board President Peggy Tuck Sinko will share the interesting tie that PBS's new docu-drama Atlantic Crossing has to Oak Park.
View this month's program below or on our YouTube channel. While you're there, see past episodes of "Inside OPRF Museum" and "Ask the Historians."