Oak Park River Forest Museum invites you to experience our collection and exhibits virtually on "Inside OPRF Museum," Thursday, August 25 at 11 a.m. CT.
In this new edition of our monthly virtual program, Operations Manager Rachel Berlinski invites you to our "online museum." Explore the many resources, stories, and hidden gems available on the Historical Society's website, as Rachel walks you through the tabs and functions that you may not have found before. Whether you're a researcher, teacher, lifelong local, or new resident, you will find something to explore on this virtual tour of oprfmuseum.org.
This event is free and will last around 30 minutes. Contact us on our website and tell us you would like to attend the live program via Zoom this Thursday.
And view past episodes of "Inside OPRF Museum" on our YouTube channel.
This project was partially funded by a grant from the Rapid Response and Recovery Fund of the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation.