Come Honor Our Veterans on Memorial Day
All veterans, their families and friends, and all area residents are invited to attend the Village of River Forest and the Village of Oak Park's Memorial Day ceremonies on Monday, May 31.
10 a.m. Ceremony in River Forest
Please join the River Forest Park District, the River Forest Civic Association, and the Village of River Forest to honor our veterans who have served our country. Although this year's parade is canceled, a Memorial Day Ceremony will take place at 10:00 a.m. at the Memorial Parkway War Memorial on Lake Street in River Forest. The program will include the Village Police Honor Guard, the 2021 Honor Roll of Residents on Active Duty, and patriotic music.
11 a.m. Ceremony in Oak Park
In Oak Park, the annual ceremony at the “Peace Triumphant” monument in Scoville Park begins at 11:00 a.m. Village President Vicki Scaman will give welcoming remarks. Officers from the Oak Park Police will post the Colors and offer a rifle salute. The History Singers will lead us in patriotic singing. President Lincoln will deliver the best Memorial Day speech ever given, his Gettysburg Address. A bugler will play Taps as wreaths are laid. And Brian Flora, coordinator for this event, will give remarks, which this year will focus on the sacrifices made by our Vietnam War era veterans. The ceremony will, of course, also recognize and honor all of our veterans, especially those who lost their lives in service to the country.
Out of concern for the health of our community, we urge that everyone follow CDC recommendations and err on the side of caution. For those who remain reluctant to attend an open air public meeting the ceremony will be carried on via Zoom. Use the information below to log in.
Meeting ID: 814 1081 4589
Passcode: Decoration
Zoom via phone - 1-(312) 626-6799
Meeting ID is the same: 814 1081 4589, but different passcode: 432343900