129 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States
Are you a woman who played sports at OPRF High School? If so, we want to hear from you at OPRF Museum on Wednesday, March 6, as part of a discussion about Huskies girls' sports during this Sesquicentennial year.
While the 1972 federal passage of Title IX expanded sports opportunities for women everywhere, long before the 1970s OPRF female students competed with other high schools and with intramurals through the Atalanta program. We’re looking for women alums of all eras – before Title IX, early in the Title IX years and the last couple of decades – who are willing to share some stories of their time as a female athlete at OPRF for our next Night at the Museum discussion as part of Women’s History Month.
Doors open at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6th, for a free open house to see the exhibit “Ever Changing, Yet the Same: OPRF High School at 150” at Oak Park River Forest Museum. We will then give speakers a chance to share their stories as well as any memorabilia they bring to highlight. Guests will include a member of the 1976 tennis team pictured above, a member of the 1974 archery team, and a multi-sport athlete from the class of 1980.
Email oprfhistorymatters@sbcglobal.net or call 708-848-6755 if you want to attend and share your story.