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Spring House Walk

Tales Our Houses Tell Housewalk POSTPONED
May 4, 2025 - 1:00:pm — 5:00:pm

Spring is here and that means it’s time for The Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest’s annual spring house walk, “Tales Our Houses Tell.” This year, five beautiful homes in southwest Oak Park will be open for interior tours from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 4.


The event is limited to those over age 12 and pets will not be allowed in these private homes. These homes are not ADA/wheelchair accessible and public restrooms are only available at the location of ticket pickup--please watch for more details and ticket availability soon.


All proceeds benefit the Historical Society, a not-for-profit community organization, which operates Oak Park River Forest Museum at the corner of Lake and Lombard in Oak Park, next to Stevenson Park.