In anticipation of the 30th annual Tale of the Tombstones dramatic walking tours of Forest Home Cemetery on October 17, The Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest has planned special walking tours west of the Des Plaines River, in a part of the cemetery that has never been visited during the regular October tours that leave from the main gate on Desplaines Avenue.
Join Oak Park River Forest Museum docents for a walking tour to learn more about the people, organizations and stories found west of the Des Plaines River. Find out about the Bill Posters Union and the Cigar Makers International Union, veterans’ and fraternal groups, ethnic areas, the founder of the world’s first blood bank, a well-known radio personality, and more. NOTE—this is a walking tour only, not a character tour like our October Cemetery Walk.
The summer tours meet inside the First Avenue gate of the cemetery at 1 p.m. and will last approximately 90 minutes. Masks are required for those who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine. For those vaccinated, masks will not be required during the outside tour. Please bring your own water if needed. No refunds will be given for reservations cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the event.
Tickets are $10 each or $8 for members, and spaces are limited. Click here to purchase tickets in our online store or contact the museum at 708-848-6755.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Restrooms and water fountains will NOT be available at the cemetery, and the cemetery bridge over the Des Plaines River is currently closed. Enter Forest Home Cemetery at the First Avenue entrance, which is immediately north of Proviso Math and Science Academy. Beyond the garden mausoleums on the right is a large, open area. We suggest parking around there. Tour will begin at the first intersection east of the entrance.