Spring is here, and we are pleased to announce the return of our signature Spring Housewalk, "Tales Our Houses Tell" in Oak Park on Sunday, May 2nd from 1 to 5 p.m.
This year’s housewalk will share the stories of fascinating people and the beautiful homes they built at the turn of the 20th century in Thomas H. Hulbert’s subdivision. Learn how families and neighbors transformed “one of the most prominent subdivisions in south Oak Park” into their neighborhood and home.
Our traditional housewalk will be a little different this year in order to ensure the health and safety of our guests, volunteers, and homeowners. Everyone will be required to wear masks at all times. And the stories on this year's tour will be shared outside, with guided tours of our featured homes given in small groups. All five homes on this year's tour are located along Clinton and Kenilworth Avenues south of Madison Street and are within walking distance of each other.
Tickets are $35 and may be purchased after 12:30 p.m. on May 2nd in front of the Rush Medical Office Building, located at 610 S. Maple in Oak Park. If you have purchased tickets in advance, please pick up your program booklet at this same location after 12:30 on May 2nd.
Directions for program book pickup and ticket sales:
Take Madison Street and turn south on Maple Avenue. Drive past the hospital main entrance and valet parking area, and make a left at the corner. Look for the table under the entrance canopy of the building. Sorry- there will be no public restrooms available. For questions about the location of ticket pick-up, please call 708-969-4410.
Sorry, no dogs or children under age 12, and mobility may be limited in some homes and on walkways.