129 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States
2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment which enfranchised women to vote in all US elections. Since the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, many promoted, persuaded and oftentimes bravely fought about equal rights under United States law. The road to enfranchisement and equal rights has had many roadblocks including Jim Crow, racism and prejudice. It still remains under construction through gerrymandering, redistricting, voting access and election tampering. Explore where we stand in 2022 and where we are going as we reflect on universal suffrage in American history and the ongoing struggle for voting rights for all Americans.
Jeanne Schultz Angel is endlessly curious and often surprised by Illinois history. She shares that joy of inquiry through her research and presentations and explores how the context of history remains relevant in understanding the events of today. She is the Director of Learning Experiences & Historical Resources for Naper Settlement. She is a nonprofit administrator and museum professional with more than 24 years working within cultural institutions. Angel has been the executive director of three historical organizations: St. Charles Heritage Center, Lombard Historical Society/Sheldon Peck Homestead, and Oak Park and River Forest’s own Nineteenth Century Charitable Association.
Walk-ups will be welcome on the night of the event until space is full.